
Showing posts from August, 2019

Syllabus 2019-20

Ethnic Studies Fall/Spring 2019-2020 11th Grade, Mr. Taylor Course Syllabus Materials: Each student will be required to have a notebook, spiral or 3-ring which will be graded. Each student will be assigned a textbook (TBA) which must be returned at the end of the year. Course: This is an elective this year at AMA. Students will research and explore various ethnic groups in the United States and abroad. The accelerating demographic and economic changes within our society, the deepening racial divide, and the elusive quest for equality and justice make multicultural education imperative especially when considering recent events in our country. We will be looking at past instances as well as current events relating to ethnicity in our world that will impact you as citizens of the world. Students and parents will be able to access assignments and class announcements on Schoology as well as our class blog: Scoring: Final grades will be assessed based