
Showing posts from September, 2019

EC: Native Americans

Read the following excerpts from various books and answer the following questions; 1) What similarities do you see in the ways that various Europeans treated the Native Americans? 2) What information below shows a trend in how the US Government related to the Native Americans? 3) Is it enough for contemporary Americans to learn of the atrocities of the past, or should more be done? Explain. Answer the above listed questions in 2-3 paragraphs. Submit to schoology. Due by Thursday, 9/12/19 Taylor   The explorer Christopher Columbus first gave the Native Americans the name “Indians.” In 1492, on what would later be known as the island of San Salvador, the Tainos greeted Columbus with lavish gifts. Columbus later sent a letter to his sponsors in Spain, explaining that these natives were weak and savage.  In the mid-17th century, the Dutch settled in what would eventually be known as Manhattan. They “bought” the island for beads and fishhooks. In 1641, the Dutch sent troops

AMA Diversity Project

AMA Diversity Project: take a picture with someone from another race, religion, on campus.                Show diversity with collaboration, acceptance. Project: take a picture with someone from a different ethnic group, smiling is preferred. If possible they can be from AEE or Carson. (2 pics per student) Upload to a folder and we will make a poster promoting ethnic diversity and cooperation ( any student that volunteers to help create the poster will get extra credit) If this works out we can put the posters up around AMA. The folder: AMA Diversity Project, can be accessed by this link; AMA Diversity Project Turn in pics by Friday 9/13/19 to folder. Taylor

5 week grades next week

5 week grade are due next week. It's already here.

Ethnicity Demographics

students are to find the following statistics on the largest ethnic groups in the US. average family income percentage of college graduates for each of the following; Anglo-American, Mexican-American, Native American, Jewish American, Asian American, African American, Puerto Rican Due Thursday submit to schoology Taylor